Hilla University College Journal For Medical Science

Hilla University College Journal For Medical Science Follow

ISSN: 2958-4515

Hilla University College Journal for Medical Science (HUCJMS)

Hilla University College Journal for Medical Science (HUCJMS) is an innovative, open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by University of Hilla (www.hilla-unc.edu.iq). The Journal launched its first volume in September 2022.

University of Hilla, known for 'A Bright Hilla: Outstanding Research Achievements and Teaching Excellence,' is a private University established in 2011 in Babylon Province, Iraq. Located approximately 100 kilometers south of the capital, Baghdad, it stands uniquely among Iraqi private institutions, achieving notable local and global success. The University plays a vital role in preparing specialized academic personnel for contributing to the construction and development of modern Iraq. Emphasis is placed on nurturing professional graduates and researchers with high capabilities for the competitive job market. Furthermore, the University boasts a distinguished research portfolio in global databases, publishing high-quality research in reputable journals with high impact factors.

The publication of the HUCJMS journal mirrors the growing global importance of medical science. The journal aims, through its establishment, to be a leader in disseminating research that connects medical advancements in our life.

ISSN: 2958-4507

e-ISSN: 2958-4515

4 issues per year

Visit the Hilla University College Journal For Medical Science homepage to see the latest issue.

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43 papers to date 2,683 full-text downloads to date 2,683 downloads in the past year