
Hilla University College Journal For Medical Science

Document Type

Original Study


Maylgia, COVID-19, MFPDs, SARS-CoV-2


Background : facial pain is of clinical importance that could complicate other conditions like COVID-19 which still under investigation and research.

Objective: to highlight the incidence and management of COVID-19 associated local facial myalgia in Babylon province patients.

Aim of this study is to explore the incidence ,prevalence of facial myalgia and its management during COVID-19 infection in sample of Babylon province patients.

Subjects, Materials and Methods: An exploratory study include 87 patients of both gender having history of mild-moderate COVID-19 infection. Incidence of local myalgia,location,duration and pain characteristics reviewed in addition to history of drugs used for management and other systemic diseases.

Results : there were significant defferences between male and female. (73.3%) of patients were mildly infected with local facial myalgia during the period of infection that lasted 5-14 days. 74.7% of patients described pain in masseter, frontal and occipital muscles during infection that subsided at the end of infection period.The characteristic of pain was moderate numbing and burning pain that managed with paracetamol 1000 mg.

Conclusion: Focal facial myalgia significantly associated with mild –moderate Covid-19 infected patients. Mild numbing and burning pain in frontal , masseter and occipital muscles reliefed with Paracetamol during infection period.
