
Hilla University College Journal For Medical Science

HUCJMS is an international, double-blind, refereed Open Access journal. It is published Quarterly-annually by University of Hilla. The journal only accepts research papers written in English and publishing with charge 100,000 Iraqi denars. The first issue was released in September 2022. Dedicated to Medical science, HUCJMS exclusively publishes authentic research papers and reviews. It offers a variety of articles covering recent developments in clinical medicine and basic biomedical sciences, including Epidemiology, chemotherapy & community medicine, public health, infectious diseases & virology, immunology, Medical Microbiology, Clinical Biochemistry, Nanobiotechnology, parasitology & entomology, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Therapeutics, Family and Community Health Nursing, Psychiatry Mental Health Nursing, pediatric Health Nursing, Maternal and Infant Heath Nursing, Adult Health Nursing, Management and Leadership Nursing, Dentistry, conservative dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, prosthodontics, pedodontics and preventive, dental implantology, oral histology and oral biology, periodontology, orthodontics, Radiological diagnosis, General anesthesia, perioperative medicine, intensive care, emergency medicine, and pain management internal medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, obstetrics, gynecology. The average time for the acceptance of submitted research papers is 1 month.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 4 (2024)

Original Studies



A Review About Hemophilia B or ``Christmas Disease''
Basim A. Abd, Mohammed Ali Al-Jabory, and Teeb M. Jaafar Al-khafaji


Clinical Application of Botulinum Toxin Type A Injection: A Review
Anas Al-Yasiry, Aoss Moez Abed –Alhussian Alyassery, and Zainab Mahmood Al-Jammali


Exploring the Role of Nanoparticles in Combating Microbial Infections: A Mini Review
Khaldoon Jasim Mohammed, Abdulhakeem Dahham Hussein, and Sundus Jassim Muhammad


Alterations of Hematological Profile in Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection: An Overview
Basim A. Abd, Hussein Naji Al-Shammari, and Ban Adnan Shamki

Letter to the Editor

Cover art