
Hilla University College Journal For Medical Science

Document Type

Original Study


Antimicrobial, Practicing physicians, Chemo therapy


Background :There is a worldwide agreement that to address the problem of antimicrobial including antibiotic resistance proper management of antibiotics across all sectors is required.

Objective of the study: To identify the antimicrobial prescribing practice of Iraqi physicians.

Methodology: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study, the data collected by trained researchers based on reviewing the available prescriptions sheet dispensed by pharmacists after obtaining their verbal consents and protecting the privacy autonomy of patients. The period of this study started from the first of January through the end of May 2021. Antimicrobials and the number of and types of drugs prescribed for each patient enrolled in the study were studied together with the rout of administrations;( oral intramuscular or intravenous).

Results: The average number of drugs prescribed per patient as checked in the prescription was (4.4). Antimicrobials constituted 54.5% followed by analgesic drugs,

about half of the 500 prescriptions revealed two and more antimicrobials. Most of antibiotics were prescribed to males and administered orally. Aminoglycosides are the most commonly used antimicrobials such as gentamycin(23.3%) and Amikacin (12.5%) respectively while cifixime comes the second highly prescribed( 15.8%).

In conclusion, the practicing physicians use to prescribe antimicrobials liberally in a way far exceeds the needs of diseased condition.

Recommendations: There Is a strong need for legislation to monitor the prescription of antimicrobials in Iraq. A national chemo therapy guideline for antimicrobials pre- scribing is requested.
