
Hilla University College Journal For Medical Science

Document Type

Original Study


Dental infection prevention, COVID-19 trans


Dentistry is one of the most exposed professions to respiratory diseases e.g. covid-19 and due to its airborne transmission, aerosols created by dental treatment of infected individuals have become a potential chance of transmission. The aim of this review was to assess the existing infection control measures taken in dental healthcare settings, minimizing treatment mistakes and improving the measures of infection transmission. Literature addressing about the prevention of COVID-19 infection transmission in dental healthcare settings, personal safety and hygiene measures, personal protection equipment, surface asepsis, instrument processing, patient treatment with proper disinfection of the working place and the dental instruments are required against communicable infections, in addition to the management of clinical dental waste. This review article presents various aspects of cross-infection control in dental environment. The dental health care settings are not free from risk. Cross-infection during clinical practice can occur with transmission of infectious agents between patients and health workers in a clinical environment through infected air droplets, blood, saliva and instruments contaminated with secretions. The main concepts and methods have been selected to be considered for the prevention of COVID-19 transmission in dental healthcare settings. Infections could be transmitted in the dental operatory through several routes. A good attitude towards infection control in dentistry was prevailed among patients attending dental healthcare settings. Knowledge and the self-reported practice in dentistry need some improvement about cross-infection.
