
Hilla University College Journal For Medical Science

Document Type

Original Study


Cementing lenses, Jumping (J), Bifocal lenses, Epoxy resin


Background: cementing lenses is consist of different types of lenses made up of two or more simple lenses paired together to reduce and eliminate all types of aberration to obtain the best image. Objectives: The aim of this study was to solve the problem that occurs in the process of gluing the lenses or in fixing the double lens to the frame, as well as reducing the jumping (J). Material and Methods: 100 cases were selected from patients who wear different types of glasses by virtue of age or according to the patient's need and who attend the educational clinic for optical refining at the College of Health and Medical Technologies -Baghdad for the period from1-9-2022 up to 1-3-2023. Results: The most of the patients were found working in the field of education. The number of males from the teaching staff was 80%, while the females were 20% under study and the number of patients who wear double (Bifocal) lenses is 67% out of 100%. Conclusion: The lenses must not be exposed to heat more than (25º C) during the cement process, which causes their center to mismatch (the far lens does not match the center of the segment lens). After we knew that most of the patients needed this type of glasses, depending on their work in the field of education (under study).
