
Hilla University College Journal For Medical Science

Corresponding Author

Raghad Ahmed Hussien

Document Type

Original Study


Bacterial infection study, Renal function, Renal failure, UTI, Autoimmune thyroid disease


Background and Objectives : A cross-sectional study, effected of urinary tract infection (UTI) and immune thyroid disease (AITD) on the Renal functions in human , Following a literature analysis, the majority of studies focused on the influence of urinary tract infection on kidney function, while others looked at the impact of thyroid gland immunological disorders on renal function , Because urinary tract infection is a widespread condition that affects people of all ages and both sexes, it is regarded as one of the most critical variables impacting kidney function, which can lead to kidney failure in certain circumstances , Aside from the obvious increase in thyroid illnesses, there is also an increase in immunological diseases, which have a direct influence on kidney function , The study was inspired by patients who have both diseases at the same time, and what influence both diseases have on the crucial functioning of the kidneys, as the kidneys are one of the most important vital organs in the human body .

Materials and Methods : The study began by defining the target group at the central medical laboratories in Iraq's holy city of Karbala, where the total number of study samples was 92, divided into two main groups: the natural group, which numbered 44 samples, and the second group for patients, which numbered 48 samples and was divided into three branches. The first branch had 10 samples for patients with urinary tract infections alone, the second branch contained 10 samples for patients with immune thyroid illnesses only, and the third branch contained 28 samples for patients with both conditions, UTI and autoimmune thyroid disease, An information form was created for all patients, including name, age, gender, weight and height. The target group was determined for the age less than 45 years and body mass less than 27%, where the blood serum sample as well as the urine sample are taken at the same time and tests are conducted for them and their results are confirmed , The following tests were conducted for all 92 samples. It included two types of analyzes, the first type which was carried out through blood same as chemical study included (Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid and albumin) also the hormonal test included (Total T3, Total T4 and TSH) and autoimmune thyroid blood examination such as (Anti-TG Ab and Anti-TPO Ab) , As for the second type, the analysis included a urine sample, which included (General urine examination, biochemical test for urine culture to indicated the type of bacterial

Results : The statistical results indicated to demographic characteristics of patient with renal disease and control the mean for age (36.72 ± 8.12 and 35.18±9.28 for the patients and control respectively) in other hand the gender distributions were (43.7% male and 56.3%, female in patients' group and 27.3% male and 72.7% female in control group), The results were the focus of the statistical study of patients with both diseases, urinary tract infection and immune thyroid disease and its effect on kidney function were (Urea, creatinine, uric acid and albumin is 48.07±7.63, 1.26±0.37, 6.63±0.713 and 4.02±0.9) respectively, and for the (560.07±340.18 and 763.83±671.71 to anti-TPO Ab and anti-TG Ab) respectively , While the results of urine analyze for patients with urinary tract infection only were (50.0%, 28.6%, 17.8% and 3.6% for the one+, two+, three+ and four+ for pus cells in microscope exam), while the results of urine culture were (32.1%, 21.4% and 46.5% for Escherichia coli, K. pneumonia and Staph. Aureus) respectively , The urine culture shows the increase ratio to Staph. aureus .

Conclusion : The findings revealed that patients who have both diseases had a stronger influence on kidney function than those with urinary tract infection or immune thyroid disease. The kinds of bacteria that cause urinary tract infection were also investigated, with Staphylococcus aureus being one of the most common bacteria that cause illness .
