
Hilla University College Journal For Medical Science

Document Type

Original Study


Miconazole nitrate, Poloxamer, Mucoadhesion, Vaginal candidiasis


Background: Vaginal candidiasis is the most prevalent illness among women and is mostly caused by Candida albicans, which causes most clinic visits. Objectives: The present study aimed to formulate and improve miconazole nitrate-containing thermosensitive bioadhesive gel for vaginal drug delivery to achieve better therapeutic effectiveness and patient compliance in the management of vaginal candidiasis. Materials and Methods: Miconazole nitrate (MN) was prepared as a (2%) vaginal gel by using 18% poloxamer (PLX) 407, 2% PLX 188 as thermoresponsive polymers, and Carbopol (CP) 934 and CP 940 as bioadhesive polymers. The prepared formulations were assessed for parameters such as gelation temperature, viscosity, bioadhesive strength, spreadability, and in vitro drug release. Results: The gelation temperatures for F1 were found at 35ºC, and the developed formula had optimum viscosity, good bioadhesive strength, respectable spreadability, and (25%) in vitro drug release over 12 hours. Conclusion: The mucoadhesive in situ gels of MN would be an alternative candidate for vaginal candidiasis treatment since they have suitable gel properties and good vaginal retention.
