Hilla University College Journal For Medical Science
Volume 2, Issue 3 (2024)
Original Studies
Detection of Newly Identified Phylogenetic Lineages in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Isolates in Iraq
Hiba J. Hamza, Huda H. Al-Hasnawy, Mohammed R. Judi, and Hider M.H. Al-Shirifi
Influence of Orthodontic Appliances on Oral Candida albicans and Molecular Study of Their Virulence Factors
Nebras Dawood Al-Jubouri, Nebrass Nasir-Alla Al-Dapagh, and Wisam Wahab Sahib Alhamadi
Molecular Analysis of FimH Gene in Biofilm-Producing and Multidrug Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae
Afrah Mehdi Alwan, Hanaa Naji Abdallah, and Alaa Salim Hamzah
Formulation and Characterization of Poloxamer-Based Mucoadhesive Vaginal In Situ Gelling System of Miconazole Nitrate
Omar Mohammed Alwan and Iman Sabah Jafar
Phylogeny of Antibiotic Resistance Genes of Escherichia coli B2 Isolated from Urinary Tract Infection Patients
Mustafa Mahmoud Fadhil and Oday Mitib Hadi
Impact of Salivary pH and Epstein-Barr Virus among Gingivitis Patients
Riyadh Kadhim Hadi, Zainab Khudhur Ahmad, and Zeyad Nazar Majeed
Mesioclusion: A Review of Treatment Approaches
Kasem Ahmed Abeas
Contrast-Associated Nephropathy: A Comprehensive Review
Karam Akram Al- Akkam, Mufeed Jalil Ewadh, and Shukry Faez Al-Saad